Kanye West akiamua kufanya show ya bure, hufanya yote kama vile amelipwa!

Hicho ndicho kimetokea baada ya rapper huyo kutumbuiza katikati ya mji mkuu wa Armenia Yerevan, kutumbuiza show ya bure na kushtukiza jana Jumapili.

Kwenye show hiyo, Kanye alitumbuiza ngoma zake za kitambo zikiwemo Stronger, Jesus Walks na Power. Kanye alifurahisha zaidi pale alipoamua kujirusha kwenye ziwa Swan na kutumbuiza akiwa humo.

It’s a problem. Can y’all see me over there? We’re going to do something different, like, like, like we always do,” rapper huyo aliuambia umati uliokuwa ukitazama show yake.

Mashabiki walimfuata maji na kufanya show iharibike sababu walimzingira kiasi cha walinzi kuingilia kati na kumuondoa.

“What a crazy night! Kanye wakes me up & says he’s doing a free concert in Yerevan, Armenia! I throw on sweats & we head out! Thousands of people were there! Kanye jumped in swan lake to be closer to the crowd on the other side & so many people jumped in too! It was such an exciting crazy night! So happy I got to rock out with everyone in Armenia on our last night here!!!! #EpicNight #ArmenianPride,” aliandika Kim Kardashian.

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